what not to do after a tb test : Everything You have to know about TB skin test.

Hlw there,how are you all. Hope all are doing great. Today’s topic is what not to do after a tb test. Previously we discussed about accidentally put lotion on tb test. So Without doing any further delay, let’s jump into todays post.

What is TB skin test:

A tuberculin skin test, also known as a TB skin test or Mantoux test, is a test done at a diagnostic center to determine whether someone has been infected with the bacteria that causes tuberculosis (TB).

The steps of TB skin test are as follows:

  1. A small amount of purified protein derivative (PPD), a substance derived from the TB bacteria, is usually injected under the skin in the arm.
  2. The injection site is observed after 48 to 72 hours for reaction. If a person is infected with TB bacteria, their body’s immune system may react to PPD and cause a red rash at the injection site.
  3.  The size of the bump and the patient’s medical history are used to determine the results. A large bump usually indicates a strong reaction and possible TB infection.

A large bump does not necessarily mean it is a sign of TB. But sometimes big bumps can be caused by other reasons as well.

images of negative tb test
images of negative tb test

For that the doctor may order other tests along with it. These include chest x-ray , cbc-esr, sputum for AFB.

what not to do after a tb test

After a tuberculosis (TB) test, certain guidelines should be followed to get accurate results. Here are the things not to do after a TB test:

positive tb test results in 72 hours reading
  1. Don’t scratch the injection site:
    After having a TB skin test (TST) or TB blood test (IGRA), avoid touching or scratching the injection site in your arm. Because it may affect the results of the test.
  2. Don’t apply creams or lotions: Avoid applying creams, lotions or ointments to the injection site on the day of the test or after the test. These substances may influence the results.
  3. Don’t cover the site with a bandage: Many times the injection site swells after giving the injection, so many people may think that a bandage should be applied? No bandage can be applied here, it is better to leave it open.
  4. Don’t engage in strenuous physical activity: Right after the test, excessive exercise, activity or sweat may make the injection site wet, no water can be applied here.
  5. Don’t consume alcohol excessively: Drinking excessive alcohol can weaken your immune system and possibly affect the test results. Try to limit alcohol consumption for at least a day or two before and after the test.
  6. Don’t assume immediate results: TB tests, especially TST or TB skin tests, require you to return to the healthcare center 48 to 72 hours after the test to get the results. If the result is taken at any time other than within this period, it will not be acceptable.

where to get a tb test ?

If you want to do TST test or TB test then you can book your appointment online very easily. This test can be done through various diagnostic centers or clinics. You can also easily get this test done at your nearest CVS Pharmacy by zip code(USA user only) through CVS minute clinic online website.

how much is a tb test at cvs:

Cost of TB Skin Test at CVS Minute Clinic according to official website

  • $35 at the initial stage
  • $30 for taking a reading after 48-72 hours
  • Total $65 for both.

They have mentioned on their official page that TB skin test is not covered by insurance.

what does a negative tb test look like pictures

Injecting purified protein derivative (PPD) often causes different reactions from people according to the body’s immune system.
Different patients develop smaller and bigger bumps.
So we are giving a picture of a negative tb skin test to give you an idea.

images of negative tb test



It is essential to follow the recommended guidelines when performing a TB skin test to ensure accurate results. Avoid itching or touching the injection site, avoid applying creams or lotions. Also follow the above described procedures. Most importantly, do not skip the follow-up appointment as advised by your doctor. By following the above guidelines, you can play an important role in the effectiveness of TB testing.

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